So, I still think this is the best drawing app on the App Store, but I liked it much better before the new update. First two problems, are huge. Im not sure exactly what makes this happen, but now there is a gallery that is more easily accessible, and it is highly annoying because Ill accidentally go on there and click the "delete" button on the drawing Ive spent the past twenty minutes or so working on. This issue has occurred 3+ times, and Id really appreciate a fix on that one. But the worse one is, now Ill exit the app mid-drawing, and come back an hour later on the app and its gone. Lost. I cant perfectly recreate what I had before. Please fix! My next issue is the level of darkness to each color. Suddenly, its uncontrollably low, which is very irritating. Everything looks incredibly uneven. I would also love a fix on this flaw, or at least consider putting these fixes in the next update. And I agree with a few of the comments I saw, I do not like the new format and theme. I love this app, and I wont delete it, but these are just my few issues. Otherwise, love it! Thanks.